Bar icon copyist


1) Ms. 1190, 16.559 (BNE), C. Cerveró, Extremos de amor y honor 2) as veces falta la "h"-- "aora," "asta" 3) doble "rr"-- "rrendido," "rrespeto" 4) usa el tilde 5) "c" francesa-- "coracon" 6) "y" por 'i'-- "ygual," "cuydado" 7) Some parts scratched out with the word "no" in the margin next to the scratched out area or boxed-in area 8) J1: 26 pages, J2: 25 pages 9) No signature or date in either jornada 10) "Estremos" de amor y honor 11) El autor identifica la obra como "comedia" en el título 12) Letras muy apiñadas

Legacy fields

Most Distinctive Letters:
v24-,R12f, f24a, p27, q8, que6
Lines Per Page:
23-24; 24-26 (J2)
Word Spacing:
bien unidas
Use of v, u & b:
sus "v"'s parece "u"'s-- "uez"; v inicial y medial; u medial
Letter Forms:

B: 8, 10, 11, 14, 16
D: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9
F: 20, 24a, 26
G: 1
H: 2
I: 1, 6, 8, 8d, 9a
J: 1, 18, 35
L: 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 27a
P: 9, 13, 27
Q: 8, 22
R: 1, 12f, 18, 19
S: 1, 10, 20, 25, 30, 33, 47
T: 1, 3, 5, 9a, 10, 18b, 20, 22
U: 12a
X: 3, 11
Y: 1, 12, 32, 34
Z: 4, 34
El: 8
La: 5, 6, 7, 8, 28
Que: 4, 6, 7, 14

Other Letter Forms:

Est: 28-, 24-
F: 20-
J: 1-
L: 27a/20
La: 29-
P: 13-, 30-, 35-
T: 18b/22
V: 24-, 12a-, 24/27
Y: 12-

See the letter form sheet included in the glossary