Manos is a collaborative project, dedicated to analysis and dissemination of information about the treasure-trove of some 3,000 surviving manuscripts of Spanish classical theater.
Manos is directed by Margaret R. Greer (Duke) and Alejandro García-Reidy (IEMYRhd, USAL). It is part of the ASODAT project and is funded by MCIU/AEI/FEDER, EU (ref.PGC2018-096004-A-100).
A supposedly lost Lope de Vega manuscript copied by Pedro de Valdés, identified by Alejandro García-Reidy with Manos techniques.
Calderón de la Barca’s first autograph manuscript with his marginal note retaining a part boxed for omission.
We invite the participation of all theater-lovers and the collaboration of all those with some experience in manuscript culture and the theater of early modern Spain.
Analyst – the scholar who has studied the traits of a specific manuscript.
Anthology – a number of manuscripts bound together in a given collection. Most frequently, autos sacramentales.